SDK Visual Style Guide


This style guide contains the recommended set of visual standards for the window style (chrome), screen elements and iconography. Any application for RepairCenter should provide the shop user with a consistent UI experience. Therefore, they should not clash in look and feel, or cause confusion to the user thru oddities of navigation or control.

This guide is a designer’s handbook for Application design. It will outline in detail the visual design specs for the navigational areas, visual design samples for the MS Style as well as general samples.



With the goal of creating a consistent and harmonious family of products, this visual style will resemble the existing RepairCenter visual style.



The principle goal of the design is to harmonize the overall graphical user interface.


We provide a User Interface Style Guide to help ensure our shop users a consistent and optimal user interface: 

Click here to view the SDK Visual Style Guide

Click here to view the RepairCenter Button UI Specs